Learn the Tarot- The Major Arcana
If You wish to learn the tarot this is a good point to get deeper into the tarot .The Major Arcana are the cards which are not a part of the suite like pentacles. They have a name like the Empress, The Sun etc. There are 22 Major Arcana and its a journey.
When you Learn the Tarot The major Arcana are a great place to start
The journey from Birth to Enlightenment
The journey begins with The Fool and as he has different experiences on his journey he learns and grows. From loss and gain and change he experiences it all.
This is also the souls journey and it ends with the world with true integration of all aspects of the being and enlightenment and awareness.
In a reading the Major Arcana always have a strong influence and can also impact on other cards in the spread.
How to use The Major Arcana in a Reading.
Some like to separate them and get the client or recipient to pull one card which then represents that person throughout the reading. This is interesting as it can point out any character traits the person can use to work with in life.
Each card represents an aspect of personality that envelops our human experience. We each have many dimensions to what makes us human, and each dimension is uncovered through a new experience. Good, bad, indifferent, nothing is ever permanent, and nothing is ever truly good or bad. All are lessons, and experience is the master teacher that allows us to find our truth, and the tarot serves as a reminder of what truth we are projecting here and now.
Here is a link to Wikipedia one the Major Arcana
Males and Females in the Cards
Some of the cards are male or female and some people relate to that very directly, but often it is showing up the personality traits rather than the gender involved. You may need a more masculine and action orientated approach rather than a feminine at this time . The Emperor may be a male but could very well be a very powerful female who likes to be in charge.
So the meaning will be influenced by other cards and also the topic being looked at in the reading. When looking at your work situation and say your boss is a very domineering female she may be portrayed as the Emperor.
The Major Arcana Tarot Cards
Here is a list of the 22 Cards
0: The Fool
1: The Magician
2: The High Priestess
3: The Empress
4: The Emperor
5: The Hierophant
6: The Lovers
7: The Chariot
8: Strength
9: The Hermit
10: The Wheel of Fortune
11: Justice
12: The Hanged Man
13: Death
14: Temperance
15: The Devil
16: The Tower
17: The Star
18: The Moon
19: The Sun
20: Judgment
21: The World
Its a good idea if your are just starting to read the Cards, to start with the Major Arcana as they are so very fundamental and have a very strong impact.
I am contemplating putting together a course so please let me know if that would interest you.
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