
Coaching and Personal Mentoring

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 Coaching and Personal Mentoring

Coaching and personal mentoring are great if you are stuck and want a session either in person or by phone to assist you to move beyond any blocks or obstacles a session with me can help. Its something I have always done as a part of my readings but now want to offer as a specific service.

I do these sessions in person in Wellington and by phone in other parts of New Zealand

After many requests from clients I am setting up coaching and personal mentoring as a service.

I have trained as a life coach and often bring that training into my work. Many of my regular long term clients check in for a session to gain clarity and to set their own goals. It is time now to provide coaching and personal mentoring as a separate service as its very valuable in its own right .

I will help you look at your natural interests and talents and what really sets your heart on fire and help you find the courage and clarity to reach for your goals.

With further sessions we look at goal setting and steps to take to achieve that goals and what would be a good area to strengthen in to get to where you want to be.

I can also help you look at destructive patterns or ways of thinking which may be holding you back. Some of these have been adopted in childhood or at school. Being aware and conscious of these is the first step and will allow you to reframe those thoughts into more productive patterns.

This coaching can be for career, business, relationships and more general life coaching.

Here is a link to read about my background and training  About Franziska

What can Coaching do for Me?

Coaching is a powerful, transformative tool which can to move you from a life of confusion, disconnection, lack of fulfillment, procrastination, stress, struggling, suffering, loss, or grief to a life of excitement, fulfillment, happiness, joy, and success. Imagine a life where Your true and higher self finally revealed from behind the veil of fear and past programming, living a life full of excitement and confidence. You began loving yourself and others – far more than you ever did. You begin to become connected with the world on a completely different level. There is an easier way to living a truly wholesome, happier and accomplished life without having to navigate through it alone.

Life Coaches help people get in the right frame of mind to experience success and develop strategies to create positive change.

Please contact me if you are interested in coaching in person as I travel New Zealand a great deal.  By Phone as I tour a lot and skype or zoom can be patchy.

Personal Mentoring

With personal mentoring you can  achieve a state of being more connected to your own gifts and is more focused on spiritual development. I will discuss your awakening with you and look at ways you can develop your gifts and talents .

Each session is an hour and in person ( in Wellington)or by phone and the fee is $100.00 NZD . Please make sure you have what you wish to look at or areas you want to improve clear before we start . Jotting some down is a great idea so we can focus on those during our session.

You can book via my bookings page now which makes it easier for phone appointments or contact me for in person appointments . Coaching and Personal mentoring is available in New Zealand only

Contact me:

Contact Franziska



Ph: 021412935

Psychic Franziska
6 Johnsonville Road
Wellington 6037,  New Zealand

What can You expect from Coaching and Personal Mentoring

Coaching and Personal mentoring can offer a variety of benefits depending on your goals, needs, and the specific focus of the coaching sessions. Here are some potential gains from life coaching:

Clarity and Goal Setting:

Gain a clearer understanding of your values, priorities, and life purpose.
Set specific, achievable goals that align with your values and aspirations.
Self-Discovery and Awareness:

Explore and understand your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for personal development.
Increase self-awareness, which can lead to better decision-making and more intentional living.
Motivation and Accountability:

Identify and overcome barriers to success. with Coaching and Personal mentoring  sessions

Stay motivated and focused on your goals with the help of a supportive coach.
Benefit from accountability to help you stay on track.
Improved Communication and Relationships:

Enhance your interpersonal and communication skills.
Strengthen personal and professional relationships.
Stress Management and Work-Life Balance:

Learn strategies for managing stress and avoiding burnout.
Achieve a healthier work-life balance.
Career Development:

Receive guidance on career choices and advancement.
Develop strategies for navigating challenges in the workplace.
Health and Well-being:

Coaching and Personal mentoring  can help you to explore ways to improve physical and mental well-being.
Develop and maintain healthy habits and lifestyle changes.
Increased Confidence and Resilience:

Build confidence and self-esteem.

Develop resilience to cope with life’s challenges.
Time Management and Productivity:

Learn effective time management techniques.
Improve productivity and organization skills.
Financial Management:

Set and achieve financial goals.
Develop better financial habits and budgeting skills.
Personal Empowerment is an outcome of Coaching and Personal mentoring  sessions

Cultivate a sense of empowerment and ownership over your life.
Develop the ability to overcome obstacles and setbacks.
Improved Decision-Making:

Enhance your decision-making skills and confidence in making choices.

Remember,  It’s a collaborative process, and the ultimate goal is to help you lead a more fulfilling and purposeful life.


coaching and personal mentoring


How can Coaching and Personal Mentoring Benefit Me ?

Life coaching can benefit you in several ways, depending on your goals, needs, and circumstances. Here are some potential benefits of working with a life coach:

  1. Clarifying Goals and Priorities: Life coaches can help you gain clarity about your goals and values. They can assist you in defining what you truly want to achieve in various aspects of your life, such as career, relationships, health, and personal development.
  2. Creating Action Plans: Once you’ve identified your goals, a coaching and personal mentoring session can help you create a step-by-step action plan to achieve them. They can assist you in breaking down big goals into smaller, manageable tasks and help you stay accountable for your progress.
  3. Overcoming Obstacles: As a coach I can help you identify and overcome obstacles that may be holding you back. They can provide strategies and techniques to deal with challenges, whether they are related to self-doubt, procrastination, time management, or other issues.
  4. Boosting Confidence: Working with me can boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. They can help you recognize and appreciate your strengths and achievements, which can improve your overall sense of self-worth.
  5. Improving Communication and Relationships: I can assist you in developing better communication skills and improving your relationships with others. This can be valuable for both personal and professional interactions.
  6. Enhancing Work-Life Balance: If you’re struggling to balance your work and personal life, a coaching and personal mentoring session can help you find ways to prioritize and allocate your time more effectively to achieve a better work-life balance.
  7. Stress Reduction and Well-Being: Life coaches can provide strategies for managing stress and promoting overall well-being. I can show you mindfulness techniques, stress-reduction exercises, or other practices to help you maintain a healthier lifestyle.
  8. Career Development: If you’re looking to advance in your career or make a career change, a life coach can provide guidance on career planning, job search strategies, resume building, and interview preparation.
  9. Accountability and Motivation: Having a life coach provides you with a source of accountability and motivation. Knowing that you have regular check-ins with your coach can help you stay on track and maintain your focus on your goals.
  10. Personal Growth and Self-Discovery: Life coaching can be a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It can help you explore your values, beliefs, and aspirations, leading to a deeper understanding of yourself.

A Coaching and Personal Mentoring Session also depends on You

It’s important to remember that the benefits of life coaching can vary from person to person, depending on your specific needs and the quality of the coaching relationship. To maximize the benefits, it’s essential to choose a qualified and experienced life coach who aligns with your goals and values. Additionally, your commitment, open-mindedness, and willingness to take action are important factors in determining the effectiveness of life coaching for you.

If you would rather have  a reading about your life Lifepath Readings can be a good overview. Love and relationships issues – A Psychic Love Reading can help with clarity 

To read my reviews . psychic readings reviews


Coaching and Mentoring sessions are not psychic readings though I do use my intuition



coaching and personal mentoring with Franziska