
Psychic Love Readings

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 Psychic Love Readings, Relationship Readings and Couples Readings

Psychic Love Readings are a specialty of mine and I can read for you or even for couples if you would like that. I have many years experience with giving love guidance and have the expertise to give honest advice without my own filters interfering with guidance I offer.

As a New zealand Psychic , Love and relationships are often the topic of the readings I do for people. Both in person and online. Because feelings are involved its  a lot trickier than say career moves to navigate . Having an experienced psychic and coach to help is going to give you perspective and clarity .

I can give you a lot of information about the potential of Your love relationship, the challenges and how to solve them and also your connection on a soul level .Most souls who spend lober together do have a soul connection on a  spiritual level 

I have been working as a Love and Relationship  Psychic, online and in person in New Zealand  for 30 years

Any relationship is suitable for a love reading as long as there is a connection

Do you want to know where your love life is going? Or where your life with your partner is going with joint plans.

Are you single and wondering if you will ever meet the right person for you?

My Psychic Love readings are about exactly that. Love, relationships and the potential and future of the relationship.

Twin Flame Readings, Soulmate Readings and Couples Readings

These can be psychic readings online, by phone or in  person in Wellington or New Zealand wide when I tour but the prices will vary depending on whether your spiritual guidance for love is by phone or in person or by email . If you would prefer a psychic reading in new Zealand in person please contact me .

As a very experienced NZ clairvoyant I don’t judge . That is not my role as a Psychic working full time in New Zealand and Internationally. I really have come across every type of relationship there is and my aim is to help and offer guidance .

I look into Soulmate connections, twin flame love and the challenges and also rewards of these intense connections. 

I offer my my psychic love readings to one person or to couples . I can look into the future of your relationships and give you clarity with my psychic love readings.

Twin Flame and Soulmate Readings

Painful Breakups of Relationships

If you are going through a painful breakup my readings can also offer healing and understanding. As a new Zealand psychic I have been reading for couples and also singles for over 30 years on matters about love.

These times can be raw and very difficult and it can be hard to see that we will heal and feel better . Having hope and and the guidance showing you that your life will go on an dthat you will heal is very helpful when going through a break up . Knowing that you will have love in your life again and also some really comforting words from the spirit realm to help you will leave you feeling  a lot lighter after your reading 

I have worked as a psychic in Auckland  and other centres often during my tours in New Zealand for relationship readings and guidance. I also have assisted many International clients with relationship readings.

Psychic Franziska – Love Psychic 

Franziska is an excellent Love Psychic and helped me to work out what was going on in my life and my relationship. She nailed it and really had the situation worked out. I feel confident that I am now much better equipped to handle my love life without getting caught in games and confusion. When it come sto reading the situation Franziska is really on point.

Shanelle Adams – financial advisor , Wellington

Psychic Love Readings for Compatibility 

These love guidance readings focus on Your compatibility and how well you work together . Love clairvoyance can with the help of my guides look at your most connected aspects and also where you may have challenges an dhow to overcome them. In a love compatibility session I look at both of Your soul paths and whether you have a soul connection and also your past life connection with a person

How does he or she feel? Do we have future?

It it is undoubtedly one of the most confusing areas in many peoples lives as many people are  not taught how to deal with emotions and communicate them effectively as children.

But even with the best skills sometimes we misunderstand , misinterpret and sometimes we even get the wool pulled over our eyes. With my relationship insights I can offer much more peace and understanding

I am heartbroken , how can I heal ?

Healing after heartbreak is tough. A clairvoyant love and relationship reading can offer you insight into what went wrong , how to navigate the first few months after a relationship ends and how to move on in the future with someone without being held back by a past heart break

Psychic Love Readings for Relationships or Marriage 

Relationships change and grow over the years and sometimes one person grows more than the other. I can assist in bringing more connection and closeness back and can guide you how to best strengthen the bond with you partner and bring the magic back. As a NZ Psychic these are available in person in New Zealand and also online as a Psychic in NZ and Internationally

Couples Readings

These are psychic love readings for couples and more focused their joint lives and their future together. Like moving house or location, starting a business and having a family. There is more of course and you are welcome to ask me about anything you are undertaking together. Or any relationship concerns you have. These are available online or in person in Wellington or New Zealand wide when I am touring

How can a Couples Psychic Reading help couples in relationships?

A Couples Psychic Reading can offer you valuable insights and guidance for couples who may be feeling neglected, stuck in negative patterns, or struggling to find their way back to a positive path in their relationship. By having a couples/ relationship reading with me, couples can receive support in understanding the underlying issues causing conflict or distress, finding ways to break free from unhealthy patterns, and discovering solutions to improve their relationship dynamics.

My couples’ readings can provide a fresh perspective, offer clarity on obstacles affecting the relationship, and empower couples to take positive steps towards strengthening their bond and creating a more harmonious connection. Through the guidance I can offer , couples can work together to address challenges, enhance communication, and nurture a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.

Do we both need to be there for Psychic Love Reading ?

No you don’t but if  You have a partner having their first name helps and a photo also helps me to connect with the person in an email reading but is not essential. For face to face readings in Wellington or in New Zealand when I am on tour if your partner can come its a good idea to bring them but not necessary. You can also have face to face or online session by yourself. I have been a New Zealand Psychic for over 30 years and have been vetted by the highly acclaimed Best psychic Directory . This process is through and takes a few months. I am clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient and very intuitive. My guides will work with your spiritual guides to bring me the information You need to hear.

Can I have a Love reading if I don’t have a Partner ?

Yes You can as I can look at the future in your relationship sector of life. and what you can do do attract the right person for you. I will also look at what is in your future regarding relationships and love. I can look at your future with relationships and how to attract someone who really is a good match with my love guidance readings

We are Human and have Feelings

Psychic Love Readings are for all sorts of couples, married, just met, in a long term relationship, same sex couples. The dynamics of people relating and building a life together are very similar.

I look at what potential and compatibility the couple have and also what obstacles stand in their way. Sometimes trust issues pop up if one person has been hurt before or they just have different ideas of what behavior is positive. This is so normal as most people who have loved before experience this and it can be overcome.

I really feel that most can be sorted out with understanding as miscommunication can cause a lot of problems and texting is probably the worst for that. I have heard so many instances of texting becoming a problem therefore its good to keep texting to facts as much as possible.

Psychic Love Readings can be a bit like Spiritual Mediation

In a Psychic Love Reading can see a unique view of both peoples perspectives and can help them to understand each other and also to heal rifts.

A Psychic Love Readings look at these issues and I also offer advice as to how to overcome them and I have helped quite a few couples get back on the same page. Having a better understanding of your partner is very helpful and bring harmony back.

If you have just met someone I can look at what your comparability is like and where you may just need to work on it a bit. I can tell you if the person is genuine and that is so important as often new relationships can be a bit uncertain.

Twin Flames and Soulmate Readings

As a long term  NZ Love and relationship Psychic I have noticed since putting more focus on Psychic Love Readings, more and more twin flames are now connecting as we head into an age of more awareness. Now is the time to come together and grow together. Such strong connections have some challenges but you can overcome these leading you to a beautiful and closely connected relationship. These are available online or in person in New Zealand and Wellington

Soul mates sometimes have some karma from the past to re balance but once seen for what it is and cleared life becomes much easier and the bond becomes very strong. I offer spiritual guidance on these strong and amazing spiritual love connections

If You would like to know about past lives I also have Past Life Readings

There are more Twin Flames than ever before

Twin souls or flames are so much more common now. So much so that I have specialized and learnt a lot about these connections. I have written some blog posts and made videos on the topic too.

These relationships are often very intense energetically and therefore can be overwhelming to one or both and sometimes this cause issues. One will sometimes run and remove themselves for a while and they can be a bit on and off until people work through their feelings. It is about patience and openness with each other and it will make life so much easier.

Once worked through, these two together can build absolutely amazing lives as they are a complement and very in tune with each other.

Click here to read my Blog Post about the intensity  and an article describing the most important sign its a Twin Flame by Elephant Journal

To book go to my Booking Page or Contact Me

I also have lifepath readings  available focusing on your gifts and talents and direction in Your Life 

Past Life psychic readings can look deeper into your past life connections

For in person love , relationship and couples readings 

 To follow me on Face Book –Psychic Franzisk

 Or follow me on YouTube for free tarot readings 

here is a lovely article on the Energetic nature of relationships I recommend Energetics of relationships


Psychic Franziska
6 Johnsonville Road
Wellington 6037,  New Zealand

psychic relationship guidance


Some Common Questions for Psychic Love Reading

People who have a love reading and often have specific questions sometimes also people want a general outlook of the future if they are single Here is a list of common questions:
Here are some common areas people ask about when they ask for psychic love readings

1. Will I find true love?

You may have questions about the possibility of finding a deep and lasting romantic connection.My Psychic Love Readings cna help with this 

Is my current partner the one for me?

Individuals in relationships often want insight into whether their current partner is their soulmate or if they should consider other options.

2,When will I meet my soulmate or future partner?

Timing – I can look at the timing of the meeting but that is not exact as both parties getting out there comes into it too

What can I do to attract a loving relationship?

You may want to know what you can do to be read and to  attract a healthy and loving relationship 

3.How can I improve my current relationship?

If you would like  guidance on how to strengthen their relationships bonds and overcome challenges. 

4.What are the obstacles preventing me from finding love?

Understanding and addressing personal barriers to love, such as past trauma or negative patterns, can be a common inquiry.Most people with a history have some

5, Is my ex-partner coming back into my life?

You may wonder if there is a possibility of rekindling a past relationship.A Psychic Love Readings can look at that possibility and whether that is really beneficial for you

6.What is the future of my current relationship?

Couples can receive insights into the long-term potential and stability of their partnerships. How to really grow together and create something strong and enduring with Couples readings 

7. Am I in a karmic relationship?

If you would like to understand the spiritual or karmic aspects of their relationships and the learning and personal growth from this.

8. How can I heal from past heartbreaks?

Psychic love readings can provide guidance on emotional healing and moving forward after a painful breakup.These can have an impact on your future connections and healing

9. Is there any spiritual connection between me and my partner?

You may be curious about the spiritual or metaphysical and spiritual aspects of your romantic relationships.Whether you shared past lives or have a spiritual connection.

10. What can I expect in my love life in the coming year?

If you are asking for a future forecast looking into your relationship and love life in the coming year .

11. Should I pursue a specific romantic interest?

If you are not sure if someone you have met is a good match and compatible with you.I can offer clarity 

12. How can I improve my self-confidence in dating?

Confidence and self-esteem issues can make it hard to get out there an ddate. I can offer suggestions an dtoips in a psychic love reading to help with this 

13, Is there any past-life connection with my current partner or potential partner?

If you are  interested in exploring the idea of past-life connections in their love relationships.
These questions reflect the wide range of concerns and curiosities that you may have when seeking a psychic love reading.

How can Psychic Love Readings help Me?

A psychic love reading can help you in several ways, but it’s important to approach it with an open mind and also to balance it with what your own intuition tells you. Here are some ways in which a psychic love reading can assist you:

Gain Clarity:

Love readings can provide you with insights and clarity about your romantic life. They may offer a fresh perspective on your current relationship or help you understand your own desires and needs better.

Relationship Guidance: A psychic relationship reading can offer guidance and advice on your current relationship, helping you navigate challenges or make decisions regarding your love life.

Identifying Red Flags: A psychic love reading can help you identify potential red flags in a new relationship or warn you about repeating unhealthy patterns from the past.


Love readings can prompt self-reflection and encourage you to explore your emotions, desires, and fears related to love and relationships.

Closure: If you’re dealing with the end of a relationship or the loss of a loved one, a psychic reading can provide emotional support and closure. Also I can offer you understanding and guidance on how to move on especially if you did not have closure with the other person I can guide you how to have closure for yourself.

Empowerment: Psychic love readings can empower you to make more informed decisions about your love life, giving you a sense of control and understanding over your romantic choices.

Personal Growth: I can help you focus on personal growth and self-improvement, which can lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.



Psychic Love Readings


“Franziska is a gifted and experienced psychic reader and also a soul coach .
She will encourage you to move towards a positive path, specializing in love, relationships and Soulmate connections.
With 30 years experience and excellent reviews.”

“Spiritual Endeavors UK”