
Free Psychic Tarot Reading

Free Psychic Tarot Readings -Monthly Pick a Card Tarot Reading

Pick a Card Tarot

We are all living during strange times right now and with these free pick a card readings my aim is to encourage support and to give some insight into what is coming into your life each month.

Keep an eye on my Facebook Page or You Tube channel for new Videos and Free Psychic Tarot Readings

Pick a Card Tarot-Monthly Forecasts  – YouTube Pick a Card

Free Tarot Reading Every Month – Psychic Franziska on You Tube

Pick a Card Tarot –


“I am currently having issues editing videos on my computer so have not been able to make videos”

Pick a Card tarot Reading 2024 and an Epic end of the Year This December’s Tarot Reading looks like a lovely month with an interesting ending to the year. We have caring and sharing in this tarot reading as well as some self care and finding your inner peace during this festive season. The end of the month looks like a whole fresh start as we head into the next year

free tarot reading seven of pentacles

Tarot Card for the Week-Starting  3-2-2025 

Tarot Card for the Week
7 of Pentacles
The 7 of Pentacles is very often a card about returns on investments and the energy you put out there . This can be literal such as a bank account returning money to you, or symbolically energy that you have put into a relationship.
In a general context, the Seven of Pentacles indicates that you have been working very hard and it will soon start to pay off
In general, you should be feeling more secure than you have in a while. Things will be moving along well, and you’ll be feeling hopeful about the future – with good cause. You may have to decide whether to put your energy into the things, people, and situations that you already are involved with, or whether to spend your energy trying to bring change into your life. Choose wisely.
Work: Your work is likely to be going smoothly and you will be receiving the rewards of past efforts – what is happening now or in the immediate future will be a direct result of what you have done in the past. Your finances are going to be flowing well – you may not be “rolling” in money but you will certainly have enough to get by, and then some.
Love: With regard to love, the 7 of Pentacles points to things going well for someone you love . If you are not in a committed relationship but would like to be, you need to be open to meeting new people . None of us have just one person that is the ONLY person that we can be with.
The Seven of Pentacles indicates that you are capable of manifesting what you want.
Finances: This card is an excellent influence for finances. You will create what you a good stable future financially.
Invest in yourself
Spirituality: You will be focused on the reality that life is cyclical, and that what goes around always, without fail, will come around. Remember that when you make a point to be generous – whether with time, energy, or money – that too is an investment in your own future. Share what you have. Accept gratefully what you are given. Learn to receive
Have a fantastic week
❤️💙❤️ Franziska



Free Psychic Tarot Readings on YouTube and Facebook

Free Psychic Tarot Readings  & free Tutorials. I also have quite a few videos about twin flames, soul mates, Blue Ray beings , Indigo Children and a variety of other spiritual Videos on my Channel

Visit and follow me on YouTube for free readings .

For more You Tube Videos go to

Psychic Franziska You Tube

My Blog Posts have some tutorials on how to read the Tarot as well. In these I have articles on the major Arcana and the four Tarot cards suits  . Psychic Blog 

Have a look there are  a quite a few tips and tricks on various pages in  Psychic Franziska Blog

To book a personal reading 

On Blue Ray Beings

I started making videos about Blue Ray beings some time ago and they are my most watched videos. The Blue Ray seemed to resonate with many people. They are beings who came in before the Indigo Children and are often quiet souls who have held back from speaking up. This has built a community of people who empower each other and support each other which is beautiful. I have a community on Facebook for Blue Ray Beings as a support and to build a community of people who really understand each other. My Free Psychic Tarot Readings are also published on my Facebook page psychic readings by Franziska

Free Psychic Tarot Readings & Free Tutorials

Free Psychic Tarot Readings and videos go to my You Tube channel or my  Facebook  page for free Tarot Card readings  and predictions there are more links at the bottom of the page. This is how I pass on spiritual learning and energy as we all have something to share. If we all contribute life will be enriched for all those who share of themselves and pass the energy on.

On my Facebook page “Psychic and Intuitive readings by Franziska”  I post Free Psychic Tarot Readings and also have some fun with numerology angel number and other inspirational bits . its a nice place to connect with the community and it has grown to over 7000 people which is wonderful and I am very thankful that I can brighten peoples days

This page and my Social Media pages are where my Free Psychic Tarot Readings reside. There are forecasts , meditations, spiritual topics and some travel updates on my social media channels. I also have a blog page right here Psychic Blog covering spiritual topics.

I have some free psychic training videos coming up very soon as that will be next series I will be making for You tube and I am excited to start with those soon. With these I will talk about building your psychic muscle so to speak and how to get clear and helpful spiritual guidance. We all have mystical qualities and often just need to trust them.

For person readings which can be Booked via my booking service . I have

lifepath readings,

psychic love readings, 

in person readings in Wellington and New Zealand Wide, 

To Book a psychic reading 

Twin Flame and Soul Mate Videos  10 Signs you met Your Twin Flame

Psychic Franziska
6 Johnsonville Road
Wellington 6037,  New Zealand


10 signs you met Your twin flame

Blue Ray Beings, Indigo Children, Rainbow Children and Crystal Children Videos

10 signs You are a Blue Ray Being Video

free psychic tarot reading

Psychic Franziska

4 days 2 hours ago

Tarot Card for the Week 7 of Pentacles The 7 of Pentacles is very often a card about returns on investments and the energy you

Psychic Franziska

1 week 4 days ago

Tarot Card for the Week Four of Swords The 4 of Swords is a card that signifies a break (or need for a break) from

Psychic Franziska

2 weeks 1 day ago

Start an intuition diary today, write down your dreams and hunches. Keeping an intuition journal can help you keep track of the hits your intuition

Psychic Franziska

2 weeks 4 days ago

Tarot Card for the Week The Emperor The card indicates leadership and symbolizes power, strength, and success. It often predicts that you will achieve your

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3 weeks 4 days ago

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Psychic Franziska

1 month 2 days ago

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Happy New Year 🎉

Psychic Franziska

1 month 2 weeks ago

Merry Christmas to a you lovely souls

Psychic Franziska

1 month 2 weeks ago

Tarot Card for the Week The 6 of Cups This card is perfect for christmas. let go pf the stress and focus on connections. The

Psychic Franziska

1 month 2 weeks ago
