How to deal with being a Sensitive Soul in Stressful Times
We are living in an intense and quite stressful times. With the events in recent times having taken a toll on many .,The news is full of bad news and its hard to get away from that ., But if You are a sensitive person you need to have breaks from that or it will affect how you feel
If you have been feeling extra stressed in this article I will look at some ways You can reduce that. Many psychically sensitive people are feeling it very strongly. But first I want to look at the many sensitive beings alive right now who are not just feeling their own stress but also feeling the stress from the world around them.
Energy is infinite and we are all connected and can pick up feelings from the people and the world around us. This can be overwhelming and intense for many psychically sensitive souls. Its overwhelming and intense and can add to Your own feelings of uncertainty and make any fears you have worse.
Psychically Sensitive People need Time to just Unwind
Switching of the Tv and social Media now and then can help a great deal as it will give You time out from all the news which is often negative so give yourself some time to just be. Go for a walk in nature sit by water, have a bath, read a book whatever works for you will allow you to feel more relaxed.
Spend time doing something you love and get creative. creativity allows us to release pent up emotions.
Being a highly sensitive soul will mean , that you may be sensitive to noise and if you need quiet put on some headphones and listen to some calming music. or earplugs are also great
An Exercise to ease Overwhelm for a Sensitive Soul
Meditation is great for those who are sensitive . But if that is not Your thing even a relaxation meditation which You can download on the Internet can be great and can leave You relaxed and Clear.
But I have amore specific exercise for sensitive souls. Its a quick and easy technique which can be used anywhere and allows you to quickly disconnect from all the energies around You.
- Close Your eyes
- Breathe slowly and deeply
- Focus on Your belly behind Your navel
- Breathe into that space
- Visualize a calming pool or a calming colour there in that space.
- Do this a few times
This little and simple exercise will allow You to disconnect from the energy around You which is not Yours and will make You much more aware of Your own calm and peaceful Centre.
Some Other relaxation Tips for a Sensitive Soul
Thai Chi and Yoga are also great and relaxing and very good to practice and can help with Stress and Anxiety. They are great ways to focus on Your inner being.
Some people need to work off some energy before they are ready to really relax and for that hiking, dancing or any exercise You enjoy is good and can bring You peace of mind after burning off the anxiety. So burn of any nervous energy and then try the relaxing techniques.
Journaling and Writing
Writing out Your feelings is also an excellent way to express Your feelings and to get them out of Your being. its a great technique and really works. just write whatever comes out. No one gets to read it , so it doesn’t need to be nice or make sense. Just write and You can burn it or keep it in a private journal that is up to You.
And of course talking to another Sensitive Soul.
This is probably one of the best ways but is not always possible all the time. But if You know another sensitive person then talk with them. or if You dont find a group online for Sensitives and Empaths as these can also be helpful.
There is really nothing better than expressing how You feel. Pets are also great and very soothing and healing to be around .
Remember Your Gifts
Being sensitive is also a gift and means you are much more perceptive than most people an dyou can develop those gifts and develop yourself much more that a less sensitive person. Most Psychics an dhealers are sensitive souls.
Speak up
Yes this cn a be hard one to learn as most sensitive people don’t like conflict and try to avoid it but its necessary or the sensitive soul can become withdrawn and also hold in upset which is not good for you.You are entitled to your opinions and ideas and speaking up is an important part of becoming stronger
Being a sensitive Soul during Stressful Times can be challenging. Here are some strategies that might help:
Limit your Media Exposure: Constant exposure to distressing news can overwhelm sensitive individuals. Set boundaries on how much news and social media you consume daily.
Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Understand that it’s okay to feel deeply about world events, but also recognize your limits and the need for self-care.
As a Sensitive Soul you need to set Boundaries: Learn to say no to activities or conversations that drain your emotional energy. Protect your mental health by prioritizing activities that uplift you.
Channel Your Sensitivity Creatively: Use your sensitivity as a source of inspiration for creative outlets like writing, art, or music, which can be therapeutic.
Stay Informed Selectively: Choose reputable sources of information and balance your intake with positive or uplifting content to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the news
A Routine can help a sensitive Person : Establishing a daily routine can provide a sense of stability and making sure you do the things which matter to you
Practice Gratitude: Focus on things that bring you joy and gratitude in your life. This can help shift your perspective and reduce the impact of negative news.
Its not a Weakness!
Remember, sensitivity can be a strength, allowing you to empathize deeply with others and appreciate beauty in the world. By managing it and seeing it as a positive gift , you can navigate through these challenging times while staying true to yourself.
Here is an Article on Web MD How to reduce stress
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