10 Signs Your Spirit Guides are trying to contact You
10 Signs Your Spirit Guides are trying to contact You. This also includes angels, totem animals and other spirit contact. Spirit does not have form but they often show themselves in form so we can relate to them. But really they are energy and i often see them as a large energy sphere of a colour unless I ask them to show me a form. But showing up in a form does make them more relate able in this dimension
1.By making things like Books, Lyrics in a song or a Quote really stand out to you.
You may not know why you feel compelled to pay attention but you do. Often its an easy way our guides can bring us a message . Next time a song comes on the radio that evokes a certain feeling within you, stop and think about your spirit guides and what they might be trying to tell you. They know that we have strong associations with songs, and therefore will place them in the world around us in order to communicate with us.
2.With repeating Numbers or Angel Numbers.
Like 11:11 22:22 and really any repeating number sequence. These basically say we are here for you and assisting you from the spirit realm. Each also has a meaning according to numerology , but trust your own instincts as to what they mean to you. Its like a thumbs up from the Universe an dyour guides saying you are on track.Our spirit guides love to communicate with us by scattering sequences of numbers in the world around us that we will notice.
3 By finding Feathers.
This is one of my favourites. Often when I have just worked out a spiritual truth or made an empowering decision , I start finding feathers in large numbers. White feathers are very clear and a strong sign that you are receiving the information your spirit guides want to show you
4 .Orbs in Photos are often are Signs Your Spirit Guides are trying to contact You
This usually shows up when there is a lot going on and a lot of spiritual helpers on board and assisting us with life changes and new projects or awareness. They are becoming much more common. They also often show up in my You Tube Videos
5. Butterfly’s are are Signs Your Spirit Guides are trying to contact You
Seeing these delightful creatures is often a sign of new beginnings and transformation. As the butterfly transforms from a caterpillar so do we as we leave old ways behind and focus on new beginnings.
6. Electronics behaving oddly.
Like lights flickering or a phone or computer acting simply weird. Spirit carries a lot of energy and can affect electronic devices but not in a harmful way if they are out helpers we have around us. It will be a small glitch rather than complete malfunction. Your spirit guides are always sending You signs that they are communicating with You
7.Feeling an Energy and a Presence even though no one is there.
Animals often pick up on spirit contact before we do and will stare at a spot or seem to be relating to someone. Like tail wagging or purring. But people often feel the presence too. Its a feeling which makes you look over your shoulder
8. Ringing in Your Ears
Are Signs Your Spirit Guides are trying to contact You is if you are experiencing ringing in your ears.
This will will occur if you are connecting with a higher realm of consciousness, and a sign Your Spirit guides are contacting you
The ringing in your ears may be short and high-pitched, and this is because your spirit guides are wanting to get your attention.
9. Downloads from Spirit
Often you will simply know something and you are not sure how. I liken it to downloads because the information is suddenly there like a download to a computer or phone
10.Seeing Sparks of Light and Colors
Very clear sign signs Your Spirit Guides are trying to contact You with you is seeing sparks of light or colors.
You may experience unusual sparks of light in the corner of your eye, or sparkles and flashes every so often.
This is because our spirit guides are an energetic presence, even if we cannot see them in their true form. Different guides have different colours and they are usually very clear and beautiful hues
How to strengthen the Connection with Your Spirit Guides
If you are experiencing these spirit guide signs of communication, you may be wondering what the best way is to enhance your connection with your spirit guides.
You can really enhance the signs Your Spirit Guides are trying to contact You through meditation and also being in nature helps as its peaceful and you can hear them
You may also want to start a journal or writes down the different ways your spirit guides are communicating with you its helpful and helps you to see how often it actually happens.
Here is a link to my blog post on how to train your Psychic Abilities and make them stronger
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Here is also an interesting site about Spirit or totem animals
For Psychic Readings –
- How to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides - August 15, 2024
- How I travelled full Time as a New Zealand Psychic - August 6, 2024
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